Our beloved Allie was such a big part of our family. She was only 5 years old when we lost her, February 16, 2007. Allie woke up as she always did with us. She seemed fine to me, although days before she had some diarrhea. I thought she had a simple stomach bug. She had also been excessively thirsty. My husband and son went to get their haircut. I was cleaning and I noticed Allie had thrown up her food. It was a beautiful cool morning, so I let her out side while I cleaned it up. Minutes later I went out to get her and I couldn't find her. I began to panic. At first I thought she was digging in the dirt, when I saw her I realized she was having a seizure, which she had never done before. I grabbed her in my arms and got my 8 year old daughter. I knew it was bad. I realized it was Saturday and the vet would be closed. We ran to my neighbors to help me. By the time my neighbor answered the door, Allie stopped shaking and her eyes were fixed. I knew she was gone. My daughter was screaming for me to do something. It was horrible. In just minutes she was gone.
This happened days before the dog food recall. My good friend is a vet and saw Allie frequently. One of the first things she asked when we talked about how Allie died was could she have gotten into rat poisoning. We knew our house and knew she had not gotten into anything. We were devastated and had no answers of how she died. Days went by and we heard of the pet food recall. We had only given Allie dry Iams. It was not in the recall but in our hearts we feel this was some how tainted. That very week, we heard of 3 friends who lost their pets suddenly.

We miss our sweet Allie so much and nothing can bring her back. My daughter still breaks down in tears missing Allie. She is scared to be by herself after since seeing Allie die in my arms.
It has been 5 weeks since she passed away and we still light a candle every night over her little grave. It is hard enough losing a pet of natural causes or even an accident. Now reading that the food we were giving her was tainted scares me to death and the dog food companies are not being held responsible. I feel this is a much bigger problem than the media is reporting. Our pets are a part of our family. My heart feels for all the pet owners who are going through such similar situations with their beloved pets.
All we have are the cherished memories of the short time we had with Allie.
We are so sorry for your loss. That she was so young makes it even worse.
If you haven't already seen this link, perhaps it will help a little...
{{huggss}} and Puurrrsss from all of us.
This time as a link. Sorry.
I am so sorry for your loss and your pain. I hope the poem helps just a little.
Farewell master, yet NOT farewell. For where I am, you too shall dwell. I am gone before your face, a moment's time, a little space. When you come where I have stepped, you will wonder why you wept!
"Heaven's the place where all the dogs you've ever loved come to greet you."
She's absolutely beautiful!
My heart goes out to your family. I am sadden by your great loss.
Allie was a such a little doll!
May your hearts soon find a bit of peace. {{{ HUGS }}}
Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn, the American Ice Pony
Dixie Chic, the Barn Goddess
Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.
I'm heartsick over your loss. It must have been so hard to make this page, but you're helping a lot of people understand that we have a huge problem with pet food in this country. I just wish it hadn't hurt your family so much.
I hope you'll write your story to your two senators and your representative, and tell them to work with Sen. Dick Durbin and Rep. Dennis Kucinich on this. Your story is VERY important for members of Congress to hear.
With hugs.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry. I know how horrible the pain of loosing a beloved friend is. It took me 8 years to be able to have another pup after we lost our beautiful sheltie. My two rescue pups got very sick in early November - they ate dry Iams also. This is so incredibly horrible. My prayers are with you.
My heart is aching for you.
I lost my beautiful Lhasa Apso almost two years ago. I had her for 15 years, since she fit in my hand. My heart still breaks. I miss her so. Now I have a beautiful Chihuahua who looks so much like your Allie, only she has short fur. She sleeps with us every night and we too would be devastated, to say the least, if we lost her. She was on Science Diet (not on the recall list), and seems to be fine, but still I worry. I have a 14 yr. old daughter and an older son, and we ALL adore our Chi. Please know that Allie knows how much you love her and she will always be in your heart. May you all meet again someday. Lots of (((HUGS))) I'm crying as I write this. May you find comfort in your memories, and may they ease your heartache. More (((HUGS)))
What a beautiful tribute!
My heart aches for your family. It's especially tragic that this could have probably been prevented, and that Allie was so young. She was adorable. Love, The Southern California Poodle Trio
My eyes are filled with tears reading your story. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that knowing you have touched others and that we care helps a little.
Thank you all for all the wonderful comments. It has helped us get thru this. What is so sad is how many have the same story as we do. I have heard over and over how during this time frame, people have lost their beloved pets just as we did. Please, if you have lost a pet to suspected food poisoning, contact and report it to the FDA.
Thanks again for your wonderful thoughts.
Your story of Allie brought tears to my eyes. No animal deserves to go through what Allie went through, and I am so sorry for your loss.
It's hard enough having to put an animal to sleep, but actually watching your pet die is so horrific, and I am so sorry this happend to you. Nobody deserves what happend to you, your family, and Allie. And I am so sorry.
I loss my dog from cancer, and when he got put down that was and still is the saddest and hardest thing I went through. It always brings tears to my eyes when a pets dies. And once again, I am so sorry, and I hope things get better for you and your family.
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